About Us

The climate crisis threatens life in Puerto Rico and the world... Global warming and its repercussions are a product of the interrelation of multiple social oppression systems, inequity, and a capitalist economy focused on wealth accumulation at all costs, without limits, through exploitation and dispossession. The intersections of these complex dimensions have made themselves even deeper and more apparent in the last years, including during the most recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Faced with this scenario, there is a need for systemic transformations that challenge the political, social, and economic dominant model, and build possible worlds that are more ecologic, democratic, and fair, where we can have the worthy life we all deserve. This implies strategies and actions that are farther away from the lineal paradigms of development as material progress and economic growth, and focus instead on well-being, equality, and ecologic sustainability. 

JunteGente works to create spaces that allow different organizations, social and political movements, and people to reflect, analyze and develop roadmaps to achieve together the world of solidarity that we want.